Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kain cosplay right armguard (part 1)

This is the final shape of the foam for the right armguard of Kain's armor. This is the result of ~10 hours of carving out a foam block, and is only one of many pieces that need to be made.  Below is what I started with:

Kain's armguard began as the 2 medium square green pieces of foam from the craft store (floral section has the foam).  The lines are the rough outline for shaping.  The next step was taking a hot wire tool (same section at the craft store) and carving big chunks off.

This is the result of carving out the outline, it still doesn't look much like an armguard.  Next came sanding....lots of sanding.

This was the slightly more rounded version.  Sorry that the next few steps don't have photos.  It started taking shape, I got into it, and before I noticed that 5 hours were gone it was shaped.  After this photo I drilled a hole down the center with a boring bit a couple of feet long.  Then I pulled out a Dremel and used the sanding drum bit to carve it out until my hand fit through.  That process took almost 3 hours until it fit.  2 more hours of carving details and the result was the first image.  From this point on I'm using the sanding drum bit and the rotary tool since it works faster than the cheap hot wire cutter.  Also, it was much easier working once the size of my arm was cut out (easy to see where I need to stop carving).

The next steps will be using body filler to create a smoother finish, sanding, finer sanding, primer, and airbrushing.  It should create a finish like metal (since body filler is meant for cars).

Friday, July 19, 2013

Final Fantasy IV - Kain Cosplay (Coming soon)

I have been out of the cosplay scene for a while, but am starting a very ambitious project soon.  In the coming weeks I will begin recreating Kain's armor from Final Fantasy IV.  My planning puts the materials as follows:
  • Styrofoam - for the base structure
  • Body filler (Bondo) - for the outer finish
  • Compression clothing (Underarmor) - Shirt under armor
  • Cloth - the hanging pieces
The plan is to carve out the base structure from styrofoam and then use car body filler to create the metal-like finish.  It should prove to be a very exciting project in the months to come.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Congrats to Eclectic Elathera

Congrats to Eclectic Elathera for a Judge's award at Connecticon 2013 for her FF4 Rydia costume.  It is good to have someone I know winning an award this year when I didn't have the time to enter.  The costume is mostly cloth, but uses the mold-able plastic I used on Akasha for the circlet.